Thursday, June 22, 2006

You will get to hate me, but you'll get to know me.

If you read this, I promise the prediction will come true. Why’s that? Because I embrace being a jerk. It’s what makes me so goddamned attractive. Who the hell needs collaborative people, receptive to the feelings and points of views of others? Not this brown-eyed boy I tell you what.

It’s like my great, great, great uncle Draper Fendlethorpe used to say: “In the great parks of the great capitals, there are no statues erected of committees.”

A good point for a horrible drunk who lost the family bank in the great whale-oil bust of 1858. (Don’t worry. We made it back.)

You get the drift, don’t you? This destination will be a haven for contrarian, at times misanthropic, often pedantic, (bordering on elitist) ramblings. You’ll hate yourself for returning for updates. But you will. I am like a motherfucking car wreck.

Remember Thomas Jones (1892 - 1969): "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate".


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